Irish Cream

How does the saying go? “Give a man an Irish coffee and you’ve made him happy for a day. Teach him how to make his own Irish cream and he’ll make his own Irish coffees (and a dozen other decadent drinks and desserts) for a lifetime.”

Something like that.

In honor of Saint Paddy’s Day, we thought we’d have a little craic with one of our favorite ingredients from the Emerald Isle, Irish cream.

After looking at a dozen different recipes, we settled on one that—no coddin’ ya—will beat any commercial product on the market.

Simple and quick to make at home, this Irish cream tastes fierce on its own, but if you were to use it to make the best Irish coffee ever, ‘tis only a stepmother would blame you.

Give it a lash!

What is Irish cream?

First of all, let’s not confuse Irish cream with Irish coffee .

Irish coffee, traditionally, is coffee that’s spiked with whiskey, mixed with sugar, and topped with cream.  

Irish cream, on the other hand, is a type of liqueur that can be enjoyed on its own or added to a cup of coffee to make a delicious treat that approximates the taste of Irish coffee. Whether or not you then have actual Irish coffee is a matter of debate.

If we’re being honest, Irish cream is not even an Irish invention. Created in 1973 by an Englishman, the original Irish cream was the Bailey’s brand that is so well known today.


What’s in Irish cream?

The basic ingredients of Irish cream are Irish whiskey, cream, and sugar.

Different brands or recipes may add a few other flavors. Bailey’s, for example, adds cocoa. So does Kerrygold. Another popular brand, Carolans , adds honey and spirits. Different recipes play around with maple syrup or cane sugar for the sweetener. The recipe we’re going to share with you uses brown sugar, chocolate, a little coffee, and a hint of vanilla.


Why should I make my own Irish cream?

Maybe you shouldn’t! If you’re only using Irish cream to spike your coffee, then Bailey’s or some other store-bought brand of Irish cream probably works just fine. You can even make a distinct improvement in your Irish coffee by choosing a brand like Five Farms, which is creamier and does a much better job than Bailey’s of smoothing out the whiskey flavor.

But if you want to elevate your Irish coffee into something phenomenal, then nothing beats using fresh ingredients and making your own Irish cream. In fact, this Irish cream tastes so good that you can just pour it over ice and enjoy an extraordinary dessert drink. Trust us, you’ll taste the difference.

And when you see how quick and easy it is to make, it might just change your life!

What can I make with Irish cream?

Once you start making your own Irish cream, you’ll start finding all kinds of incredible uses for it like Irish cream brownies and Irish cream chocolate chip cookies. If you want to lose a whole afternoon in creamy bliss, visit the Food Network website and find pages of delicious uses for your Irish cream.


WHat whiskey should I use in my Irish cream.

Higher quality whiskey means better Irish cream, but only up to a point.

If you’re using good, fresh ingredients for this recipe, the taste of the whiskey will be smoothed out beautifully, so there’s no reason to use your top-shelf Midleton. A good (not great) whiskey like a middle-grade Jameson is perfect.


How long does Irish cream last?

The alcohol in your Irish cream will help to keep it fresh longer, but you still should keep it refrigerated and use it within a couple of weeks. If you store it sealed in the fridge, it can last up to two months.



Irish Cream


·         1 cup heavy cream (do NOT use half and half)

·         2 Tbsp dark brown sugar

·         2 tsp instant coffee

·         1 Tbsp finely chopped dark chocolate or chocolate syrup

·         1 can (14 ounce) sweetened condensed milk

·         1 ⅔ cups Irish whiskey

·         1 tsp vanilla extract


1.     Add cream and brown sugar in a pot and bring to a boil.

2.     Remove from heat and add instant coffee and chocolate. Whisk thoroughly.

3.     Continue whisking as you add condensed milk, whiskey, and vanilla.

4.     Garnish with whipped cream if you want, or a sprinkle of chocolate shavings.


Sláinte is táinte!